How long does it take to study for the ACT or SAT?
The simple answer is probably longer than you think.
The ACT or SAT are lengthy standardized tests, and there’s a lot of content to review…
When should I start working on my college essays?
You can start working on your college essays whenever you want. The key to getting started is figuring out which colleges you want to apply to, since that will determine the specific essays that you will need to write…
What is the value of the ACT or SAT?
First, these standardized tests are, like all standardized tests, a very limited way to view an individual’s true aptitudes. They only test certain types of knowledge and skills, so…
Should I just go take the ACT or SAT without studying first, just to see where I'm at?
Some things are a matter of personal preference.
My personal preference is to establish some kind of strategy...
Are AP classes necessary to get into a competitive college or university?
The answer is no.
You may not know this, but there are many…
What is the new Digital SAT test like? How do I know if I should take it?
The old SAT test was on paper. You had a test booklet and an answer sheet where you bubbled in your answers.
The new SAT test is…
What kinds of activities can I do over the summer to support my college applications?
Summertime is an opportunity to take a deep dive into disciplines you are considering for your major in college.
While there are endless options, here’s a few ideas:
How do I take my education further when studying highly specialized sciences?
Do you see yourself studying a highly specialized discipline in the world of science?
Should I take the ACT or the SAT?
Ever since the outset of the pandemic, many colleges and universities are now saying that SAT or ACT test scores are “optional.” So now you’re wondering if you should undertake the lengthy process of studying for and taking these tests…
What does it mean if a college or university says that test scores are “optional”?
Ever since the outset of the pandemic, many colleges and universities are now saying that SAT or ACT test scores are “optional.”
So now you’re wondering if you should undertake the lengthy process of studying for and taking these tests…
When do I need to ask my teachers for letters of recommendation?
Certainly, the best time to ask a teacher for a letter of recommendation is during the time frame when you’re in their class— and then again at the beginning of your application cycle.
How do I decide what to study in college?
Sometimes I feel like people are embarrassed to ask this, like they feel that they should already magically know what to study in college. The truth is, no one ever magically knows this.
Why is it important to engage in professional development outside the classroom while I’m completing my degree? And how do I do it?
Professional development is whatever you want it to be. It just means that you are taking whatever you are learning and finding ways to apply it in the real world. And by ‘real world,’ I mean the global economy and workforce.
What can I do to get a more behind-the-scenes look at colleges or universities?
I often hear from students and parents that they don’t feel like they getting an accurate reading on a college or university when I go on guided tours. If you’re feeling like this, it’s for good reason.
When should I get started planning my college education?
I get asked this question a lot. My simple answer is this: It’s never too early, and it’s never too late.
How do I know if I am taking the right classes in high school for the colleges and universities I want to attend?
Academic rigor is the name of the game. If you want to gain admissions to a certain program or area of study, then your paper trail should reflect your commitment as a student.
What should I write in my college essays?
A college application essay is your opportunity to be your authentic self. You should write whatever you want. The goal is to convey who you really are and what you stand for!
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