Career Development
Curriculum Design for Students & Schools
Of course every school wants their students to transition from learning in the classroom to their ideal career paths and dream jobs…but how does this happen? Through professional development curriculum design! Ideally, students are able to discover and design their ideal career paths through exploring possibilities while they’re still in school. This is why I work with students and schools to create customized curriculum to help students develop a stronger sense of where they belong in the global economy. No matter a student’s interests, there are ways to engage them with career development curriculum that gets them going in the directions that are right for them.

Here are Areas that I address:
Building courses that help students get excited about their futures
Planning activities that help students define their core values
Demonstrating positive lifestyle development through practical lenses
Exploring global disciplines
Creating fun, interactive projects
Assembling internship programs
Showcasing current breakthroughs and industry leaders
Designing memorable field trips
Highlighting various types of undergraduate and graduate programs
Aligning course offerings with real-world job skills
Updating course materials for today’s specialized professions
Locating texts that make sense for a variety of learners
Arranging appropriate guest speakers who resonate with students
Engaging students with updated technology and apps